
Pints and PIE: Coteaching with students in the sciences

Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Event Time 01:00 p.m. - 02:30 p.m. PT
Location LIB 260
Contact Email ceetl@sfsu.edu


Please join CEETL for a workshop led by Chemistry and Biochemistry Professor Jingjing Qiu who will share about how she uses social media and podcasts to enact co-teaching, and she will share and facilitate a discussion for co-teaching with students in the sciences. 

Faculty participants at this workshop will:

  • Learn and share strategies/teaching approaches for encouraging students sharing their knowledge in different formats outside classrooms.
  • Discuss ways to integrate social media for students to share their knowledge.
  • Share and discuss outreach activities/ideas outside classroom teaching such as those related to RSCA.
  • Build community with other faculty who are interested in promoting students’ learning with social media.


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